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Seminar Invitation: Biobased technologies towards carbon neutrality: Perspective from Norway

Dr. Gopalakrishnan Kumar will present his seminar on the use of agricultural waste biorefineries for biofuels and bioproducts. Agricultural waste (lignocellulose) from various growing and manufacturing industries in Stavanger is used for biofuel and bioproduct formation from a biorefinery perspective. Cost-effective pre-treatment methods for the utilization of value-added products and further utilization of various waste streams can be potential for techno-economic analysis, scale-up feasibilities of different types of biorefineries. 
The whole department is invited.


Dr. Gopalakrishnan Kumar

He is a Professor and Group leader at the Institute of Chemical, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway.  He has published more than 350 SCI articles in prestigious journals (including 8 cover image articles, 20 highly cited/hot articles and 1 important scientific article) with total citations > 17000 and h-index 73. He has more than 20 book chapters. He has also delivered more than 100 talks (keynote/invited) at various conferences, seminars and workshops. Besides his academic contribution, he is working as a consultant/expert in various international academic/research projects (~3 million USD) at various universities and industries.
His main research interest is biofuel/biochemical production from lignocellulose/waste/wastewater and algal biomass through biorefinery and valorization schemes and Microbial fuel/electrolysis cell (MFC and MEC) technologies. In addition, he is working on the application of green synthesized activated carbon and Nano particles for various environmental remediation applications.